“The Liturgy in Stained Glass”

Book spotlights the windows of St. Norbert Abbey
“The Liturgy in Stained Glass” is a book of thanksgiving, with its publication in 2025 marking the 100th anniversary of “abbey status” for the Canonry of St. Norbert Abbey. This insightful hardcover book – produced over multiple years under the direction of Fr. Stephen Rossey, O. Praem. – reveals the beauty of our abbey’s impactful, artistic stained-glass windows as they bring Norbertines and friends of the abbey closer to God. The windows let light shine through, revealing beauty, color and the elements of the liturgy. In the light of faith, one can experience a deepening of the spiritual life. “The Liturgy in Stained Glass” is 133 pages and measures 13 1/4″ tall by 9 1/4″ wide. We hope you enjoy immersing yourself in the beauty of St. Norbert Abbey’s stained-glass windows.
“The Liturgy in Stained Glass” can be purchased on this webpage; in person at the Abbey’s main entrance at 1016 N. Broadway, De Pere, WI; or at area bookstores, including Cathedral Book & Gift, 131 S. Madison St., Green Bay, WI (cathedralbookandgift.com), and Lion’s Mouth Bookstore, 211 N. Washington St., Green Bay, WI (lionsmouthbookstore.com).
“St. Norbert Abbey houses a treasure trove of stained-glass sacred art. … This is a book for the ages to teach, inspire and enrich the reader.”
– Rt. Rev. Joel Garner, O. Praem., M.A., PhD., Abbot Emeritus, Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey, New Mexico
“The book itself is a piece of art. For those who have visited the abbey, the book will call to mind their own experience of the prayerfulness engendered by the windows. Those who have not visited will still be drawn in to their beauty and religious power.”
– Dianne Bergant, CSA, Ph.D., Carroll Stuhlmueller Distinguished Professor Emerita, Old Testament Studies, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago