Fr. Jordan Neeck, O. Praem., and Frater Johnathan Turba, O. Praem., are co-hosts of Canons on the Run, a biweekly Norbertine podcast from St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin.
Frater Jordan and Frater Johnathan are commonly mistaken for one another. Hosting a podcast together seemed like the perfect opportunity for the world to get to know them both as individuals—or perhaps just add to the list of their similarities.
Both avid runners, Frater Jordan and Frater Johnathan tend to discuss a variety subjects on their runs together, especially topics that revolve around their years in priestly formation as fraters (seminarians).
Frater Jordan is a deep-thinker and constant ruminator. He has a patient, listening ear, and deep love for the beauty of the Catholic faith.
Frater Johnathan is a self-acclaimed “out-loud thinker.” He has an eagerness to delve into the deep questions of life and doesn’t shy away from any conversation with anyone.
With Frater Jordan’s philosophical questioning and Frater Johnathan’s penchant for thinking out-loud, you’ve got the making of a fascinating podcast.
We invite you to listen to Canons on the Run as they share their call to conversion as Norbertines. Through insight, wisdom, and a bit of abbey humor, experience the Norbertine environment in which they live and the faith they love to share.
Read More
- “Canons on the Run” Heading to Rome
March 12, 2018
- The Journey Toward Priesthood
February 12, 2018
- Eyes fixed on Jesus
By Jenny Snarski
February 9, 2018
Superior Catholic Herald
Diocese of Superior
- Inside 1016: From Broadcast to Podcast
By Katrina Marshall, Gina Sanders Larsen, and Judy Turba
Fall/Winter 2017 (pages 8, 10-11)
Abbey Magazine
- Crossing the Finish Line
By Frater Jordan Neeck, O. Praem.
October 12, 2017
- Moved By the Spirit (page 14)
Fall/Winter 2014
Abbey Magazine