The January 4, 2018, “Glimpses of the Past” in The Green Bay Press-Gazette highlighted memories of Abbot Sylvester Killeen, O. Praem., the second abbot of St. Norbert Abbey. In 1991 he was quoted to say, “The date of that First Mass [on Jan. 6, 1931] was my birthday and the feast day of Epiphany. My family was all present, my uncles and aunts … It was the climax of my studies and a moment of great satisfaction.”
In the News
Glimpses of the past January 5, 1991 January 4, 2018
The Green Bay Press-Gazette
Fr. Jay Fostner, O. Praem., Ph.D., vice president for mission and student affairs and assistant professor of psychology at St. Norbert College, recently published “The Death of a Student: Lessons from a Catholic Campus”—one of 34 chapters in the book, Student Life in Catholic Higher Education: Advancing Good Practice.
Published by the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, this book is meant to be a very practical guide for new student affairs leaders at Catholic colleges and can be ordered online:
The Norbertine Community of St. Norbert Abbey is proud to announce that Fr. Ken De Groot, O. Praem., is the recipient of the 2017 Green Bay Packers Give Back Award (senior category). This award honors volunteers who exemplify:
creativity, and
a commitment to improving the communities in which they live through volunteerism.
Fr. De Groot, co-founder of Casa ALBA Melanie Hispanic Community Resource Center for Green Bay (Casa ALBA Melanie), has volunteered 1,200 hours annually for the past five years, working tirelessly to raise funds for this organization.
Hopefully, our work at Casa ALBA Melanie helps move our community to work more closely together for the good and benefit of all.
–Fr. Ken De Groot, O. Praem.
Casa ALBA Melanie nurtures the well-being and wholesome development of all members of the Hispanic community in the Green Bay area. It serves as a hub for information and referral, bringing together persons seeking assistance with service providers in the community.
Regarding this award, Fr. De Groot shared:
“While I appreciate this honor very much as well as the recognition for Casa ALBA Melanie, this work is not something extraordinary as I believe we are all called to minister to the poor and needy in whatever situation we find ourselves.
This is at the heart of the Gospel message and I have been afforded this opportunity which also brings me much satisfaction as well as growth in my understanding of diversity and other cultures. We are all equal and deserve the respect and love of everyone.
I have been very much influenced by the numerous people who are associated with Casa ALBA Melanie and who give of their time and talents for the success of this ministry. Hopefully, our work at Casa ALBA Melanie helps move our community to work more closely together for the good and benefit of all.”
Fr. John Tourangeau, O. Praem., recently earned a Ph.D. in Organization Development from Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois.
In addition to completing his dissertation on clergy sexual abuse, an academic paper based on his dissertation was approved for presentation at the Midwest Academy of Management (Organization Development track) with a “Best Paper” nomination and an invitation to speak at a Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) gathering, both in October 2017.
For more information or to request a copy of his dissertation, contact
(L-R) Frater Anh Tran, O. Praem. (front), Frater Jordan Neeck, O. Praem., President Brian Bruess, Abbot Gary Neville, O. Praem., Fr. James Herring, O. Praem. (standing), Fr. Tim Shillcox, O. Praem.
President. Alumnus. Friend.
The Norbertine Community of St. Norbert Abbey congratulates Brian Bruess, Ph.D., on the occasion of his inauguration as the eighth president of St. Norbert College.
On Sunday, August 27, 2017, at the First Vespers of the Solemnity of St. Augustine, Rev. Peter B. Ambting will be vested in the white habit of the Norbertine Order. Rt. Rev. Gary J. Neville, O. Praem., Abbot of St. Norbert Abbey, will preside over the vestition ceremony.
On Monday, August 28, 2017, the Solemnity of St. Augustine, Frater Patrick M. LaPacz, O. Praem., will profess Solemn Vows, forming a mutual lifelong commitment to the canonical life between himself and the entire professed community. Abbot Neville will preside over the solemn rite.
On Tuesday, August 29, 2017, Frater LaPacz also will be ordained to the diaconate by Most Rev. Robert F. Morneau, DD, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Green Bay.
August 29, 2017 — Mass of Diaconate Ordination of Deacon Patrick LaPacz, O. Praem.
Frater Patrick Michael LaPacz, O. Praem.
Profession of Solemn Vows and Ordination to the Diaconate
… I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me this year as a Norbertine deacon.
—Deacon Patrick LaPacz, O. Praem.
Frater LaPacz, 30, is the son of Terrence and Mary (Berg) LaPacz of Green Bay, Wis., and is a son of St. Agnes Parish in Green Bay.
Frater LaPacz was vested in the white Norbertine habit in August 2012 and professed Simple Vows in August 2014.
A 2005 graduate of Notre Dame de la Baie Academy, Green Bay, Frater LaPacz graduated from St. Norbert College in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in history. He also studied at Conception Seminary College in Missouri from 2009-2011, and is completing a Master of Divinity degree at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.
“My solemn profession and diaconate ordination were special days for me. My journey to this point has been long, but it was worth the wait. I’m so glad I was able to celebrate these days with friends and family, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me this year as a Norbertine deacon.”—Deacon Patrick LaPacz, O. Praem.
… I look forward to take time for contemplation and reflection during the novitiate.
—Fr. Peter Ambting, O. Praem.
Fr. Ambting, 44, is the son of Peter H. and Wilhemina (Vos) Ambting of Doetinchem, Netherlands, and is a son of St. Martin Parish in Beek, Netherlands.
Fr. Ambting graduated from the Secondary Agricultural School of Doetinchem in July 1991 and from Higher General Continued Education schooling in August 2002. After being admitted into the seminary for the Archdiocese of Utrecht, Netherlands, in 2001, he earned a master’s degree in theology (Pastoral Theology) in August 2007. Fr. Ambting was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Utrecht on May 17, 2008, and most recently served as the pastor of the Roman Catholic Parish of Maria en Laurentius (a merged parish comprising 19 previous parishes) since 2010.
The first-year Norbertine novitiate (in which Fr. Ambting will participate) will take place at St. Norbert Abbey.
“After saying farewell to my parish in the Netherlands on July 2, emptying my house, and organizing the move to the U.S. in the weeks afterwards, finally the moment of vestition was here. It was the result of two and a half years of discernment since I first visited St. Norbert Abbey. That was a pretty long time. Because of the distance I was only able to make it to De Pere during my yearly summer vacation. I also wanted to finish the merger of the two parishes where I was the pastor.
I have been a priest for more than nine years, and always felt the desire for community life. The vestition with the white habit was for me an external sign of an internal movement. It felt good to take this first step, but I also realize the call to community life will be there every day as a gift and a task. After 10 years of working in a parish I look forward to take time for contemplation and reflection during the novitiate.”—Fr. Peter Ambting, O. Praem.
During the weekend of July 13-17, 2017, Norbertine Associates from Norbertine abbeys across the country gathered together for their fourth English-speaking conference at St. Norbert College and St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere. Highlights of the event included presentations, discussions, and liturgies, as well as building friendships with fellow associates.
that I will have fought for what was right and fair,
that I will have risked for that which mattered,
that I will have given drink to the thirsty,
that I will have welcomed the stranger,
that I will have clothed the naked,
that I will have cared for the ill,
that I will have visited the imprisoned,
that I will have left the earth a better place for what I’ve done and who I’ve been.
—Adapted from Matthew 25 and C. Hoppe
On Saturday, May 27, 2017, Rev. Frater Michael J. Brennan, O. Praem., will be ordained to the priesthood. The Mass of Ordination will be celebrated by Most Rev. David L. Ricken, DD, JCL, Bishop of Green Bay, at 2:30 p.m. in the church of St. Norbert Abbey.
On Sunday, May 28, 2017, the Solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord, Rev. Brennan will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at 10 a.m. in the church of St. Norbert Abbey.
Deacon Brennan, 39, is the son of Michael and Dorothy Brennan of Michigan City, Indiana, and a son of Queen of All Saints Catholic Church in Michigan City. His parents now belong to St. Pius X Catholic Church in Granger, Indiana.
A 1995 graduate of Marquette Catholic High School, Michigan City, Deacon Brennan graduated from St. Norbert College (SNC), De Pere, in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and psychology and a minor in religious studies.
In 2001 he received a Master of Education degree from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. He was also named Teacher of the Year at Our Lady of Prompt Succor, White Castle, Louisiana (1999-2000), and at Ascension Catholic Middle School, Donaldsonville, Louisiana (2001-2002), and received the Young Alumni Award from SNC (2005).
Deacon Brennan completed his Masters of Divinity in May 2017 and anticipates completing an M.A. in Scripture in the fall of 2017. Both degrees are granted by Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.
After his priestly ordination, Fr. Brennan will be assigned to SNC, where he will serve in sacramental, teaching and vocation ministries.
An Evening of Prayer, Service, and Brotherhood With Deacon Brennan, Frater Johnathan Turba, O. Praem., and Frater Anh Tran, O. Praem., at Old St. Patrick’s Parish, Chicago
By Frater Jordan Neeck, O. Praem.
A Lesson in Humility Reflections on Norbertine Volunteer Community By Michael Brennan
Ongoing Program: Sunrise Scripture
Facilitated by (soon-to-be) Fr. Michael Brennan, O. Praem., Fr. David Komatz, O. Praem., Tony Pichler, and Kathie Tilot
Lenten Lessons and Chants 2017 in the Church of St. Norbert Abbey
Sunday, April 2, 2017 | 7 p.m.
Join us for this time of Word, silence, and song.
In this season of Lent, the Church invites us all to prepare for the Easter Feast through a deepening life of prayer, fasting, and works of mercy.
On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the Norbertine Community of St. Norbert Abbey is offering Lenten Lessons and Chants.
The abbey church will be filled with praise of God’s Mercy through Word (Scripture and other Christian writings), rich silence, and sacred music sung by Norbertine cantors and the Abbey Singers of St. Norbert College.