St. Norbert Abbey has no job openings at this time. Please check back here in the future as openings become available.
For employment questions, please email the St. Norbert Abbey Human Resources Office at hr@norbertines.org.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The Premonstratensian Fathers is a church organization as such intends to honor the constitutional guarantee of separation between church and state. Under this constitutional guarantee, The Premonstratensian Fathers is not subject to the coverage or jurisdiction of many state and federal laws or agencies governing employment relations.
Neverthless, The Premonstratensian Fathers recognizes, under its philosophy and general moral concepts, the paramount goal of providing equal employment opportunities for all individuals, regardless of race, gender, heritage, or other background characteristics unrelated to job duties and responsibilities. The Premonstratensian Fathers encourages job applicants from all walks of life and seeks to foster a working environment free of all prejudices or biases of any nature.
In certain job classifications, The Premonstratensian Fathers reserve the right to select candidates who adhere to the doctrines of the Order and of the Roman Catholic Church, when required by the nature of the job responsibilities.