Tuesday, February 11; 7 p.m. | Fort Howard Theater at St. Norbert College

The Life of St. Norbert

Presenter: Fr. Dominique-Marie Dauzet, O. Praem.

As the Norbertine Community celebrates St. Norbert Abbey’s 100th anniversary of receiving abbey status (1925-2025), we invite you to attend Fr. Dominique-Marie Dauzet’s presentation, “The Life of St. Norbert,” at the Fort Howard Theater on the campus of St. Norbert College. Fr. Dauzet is from Mondaye Abbey in northwest France.

Thursday, February 20; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Culture of Bells at St. Norbert Abbey

Presenter: Fr. James Neilson, O. Praem.

Church bells, dinner bells, consecration bells, tolling bells, Angelus bells. Why does the bell play such an important part in the day order in monasteries, including here at St. Norbert Abbey? We explore this long and important tradition in abbeys and the spiritual lessons for all of us. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Saturday, February 22; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Morning for Women

Presenters: Shauna Froelich, Kim Weiss, Fr. Tim Shillcox, O. Praem.

Enjoy engaging witness talks, a delicious lunch, and fellowship with other women to help relax, recharge, and renew yourself. A wonderful event to attend with friends and family or come by yourself and meet new friends. Cost: $50 (includes presentations and lunch).

Registration closes February 8, 2025 (limited seating available)

Register by clicking here

Saturday, March 8; 9 a.m. (after 8:30 a.m. Mass) | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Lenten Reflection Series

Presenter: Fr. Michael Brennan, O. Praem.

This annual series offers a reflection and meditation on the upcoming Sunday readings for the Lenten season. The program will begin at roughly 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Programs also will be held on the Saturdays of March 15, 22 and 29, and April 5 and 12. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Wednesday, March 12; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Wednesdays for Women: Bringing Out the Best In Us

Presenter: Kathie Tilot

The stories of the women of the Bible reflect in a beautiful way what it means to be human; the importance of things like friendship, belonging, and living a life of purpose. Join us as we explore the stories of these ordinary women of faith and discover the extraordinary insight they offer us today. Programs will be held March 12 (Esther), April 2 (Elizabeth) and May 14 (The Women Whose Names We Don’t Know). Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Thursday, March 13; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

‘Who Do You Say That I Am?’

Presenter: Sr. Pat Clement, CSJ

As Lent begins, come and discern what your feeling is about who God is? Seek to renew a relationship with God and come to a better appreciation of the relationship that God desires with us over and above rules, regulations, and punishments. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Saturday, March 15; 9 a.m. (after 8:30 a.m. Mass) | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Lenten Reflection Series

Presenter: Fr. James Neilson, O. Praem.

This annual series offers a reflection and meditation on the upcoming Sunday readings for the Lenten season. The program will begin at roughly 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Programs also will be held on the Saturdays of March 22 and 29, and April 5 and 12. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Sunday, March 16; 10 a.m. | St. Norbert Abbey Church & Abbey Museum

Mass with Blessing of Centennial Museum

Everyone is invited to join us for our 9 a.m. Mass in St. Norbert Abbey Church that will be celebrated by Abbot General Josef Wouters, O. Praem. After Mass at about 10 a.m., we will hold a blessing in the Abbey Museum, which is undergoing expansion in honor of the Abbey’s 100th Anniversary of abbey status. The expanded Abbey Museum will be unveiled on this day. A reception will be held after the blessing.

Sunday, March 16; 7-8 p.m. | St. Norbert Abbey Church

Lenten Taize Prayer

Experience the quiet and contemplation while also using Scripture and song in the style of Taize to bring peace and preparation to your Lenten season.

Optional registration available by clicking here

Saturday, March 22; 9 a.m. (after 8:30 a.m. Mass) | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Lenten Reflection Series

Presenter: Fr. Johnathan Turba, O. Praem.

This annual series offers a reflection and meditation on the upcoming Sunday readings for the Lenten season. The program will begin at roughly 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Programs also will be held on the Saturdays of March 29 and April 5 and 12. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Saturday, March 29; 9 a.m. (after 8:30 a.m. Mass) | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Lenten Reflection Series

Presenter: Br. Steve Herro, O. Praem.

This annual series offers a reflection and meditation on the upcoming Sunday readings for the Lenten season. The program will begin at roughly 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The series will conclude on Saturday, April 5 and 12. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Wednesday, April 2; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Wednesdays for Women: Bringing Out the Best In Us

Presenter: Kathie Tilot

The stories of the women of the Bible reflect in a beautiful way what it means to be human; the importance of things like friendship, belonging, and living a life of purpose. Join us as we explore the stories of these ordinary women of faith and discover the extraordinary insight they offer us today. Remaining programs will be held April 2 (Elizabeth) and May 14 (The Women Whose Names We Don’t Know). Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Thursday, April 3; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Pray Like Ruth

Presenter: Fr. Brad Vanden Branden, O. Praem.

How is God involved in the day-to-day joys and hardships of our life? The Book of Ruth centers on the story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz in order to discover the answer to this question. As we hear and pray with God’s Word, time will be given to discern how God moves in our daily living. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Saturday, April 5; 9 a.m. (after 8:30 a.m. Mass) | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Lenten Reflection Series

Presenter: Fr. Tim Shillcox, O. Praem.

This annual series offers a reflection and meditation on the upcoming Sunday readings for the Lenten season. The program will begin at roughly 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The series will conclude on April 12. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Saturday, April 12; 9 a.m. (after 8:30 a.m. Mass) | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Lenten Reflection Series

Presenter: Fr. Brad Vanden Branden, O. Praem.

This annual series offers a reflection and meditation on the upcoming Sunday readings for the Lenten season. The program will begin at roughly 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Thursday, April 17-Sunday, April 20 | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Triduum Retreat

Led by Monsignor John Canary

As the holiest days of the Church year unfold, join the Norbertine Community for daily prayers and the Triduum Liturgy. To help us appreciate these great Mysteries all the more, Monsignor John Canary will offer reflections to help us better experience these holy days. Monsignor Canary was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1969. In February 1995, he was named the eighth Rector of Mundelein Seminary, having previously served as vice rector and dean of formation. In February 2006, he was named vicar general of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, assisting the cardinal as chief executive officer. On June 30, 2013, he retired from the office. He continues his ministry at Joseph and Mary Retreat House at Mundelein Seminary, offering retreats and providing spiritual direction. The retreat begins at 4 p.m. on April 17 and concludes at 11 a.m. on April 20. Cost: $365 (includes meals, renovated retreat room with private bathroom, and retreat presentations).

Registration deadline: April 3, 2025

Register by clicking here

Sunday, April 27; 3 p.m. | St. Norbert Abbey Church

Canon John O. Bruce Memorial Organ Concert Series

Click here to see David Briggs’ bio

Wednesday, May 14; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Wednesdays for Women: Bringing Out the Best In Us

Presenter: Kathie Tilot

The stories of the women of the Bible reflect in a beautiful way what it means to be human; the importance of things like friendship, belonging, and living a life of purpose. Join us as we explore the stories of these ordinary women of faith and discover the extraordinary insight they offer us today. Today’s final program of the three-session series features The Women Whose Names We Don’t Know. Cost: freewill offering.

Please click here for optional registration

Saturday, May 17; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Centering Prayer Retreat Day

Presenter: Kathie Tilot

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer in which we can experience God’s presence within us; a method of prayer that is both a relationship with God and a way to deepen that relationship. Join Kathie Tilot for an introduction to Centering Prayer, enjoy the peaceful grounds of St. Norbert Abbey, and simply spend time with God in the silence. Cost: $40 (includes presentations and lunch).

Tuesday, May 20; Option A: 12-1 p.m. or Option B: 7-8 p.m. | Norbertine Center for Spirituality

Esoteric Letters: The Symbols on the Abbey Organ Screen and Windows

Presenter: Fr. James Neilson, O. Praem.

Have you wondered what those symbols mean in windows and on the organ screen in the Abbey Church? Fr. Neilson explains these symbols and how they add to the richness of giving praise and worship to God. Cost: freewill offering.

Monday, June 16; 4 p.m. | St. Norbert Abbey Church & Abbey Grounds

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Abbey Church

Everyone is invited to join us for our 4 p.m. Mass, which will be followed at 5 p.m. by a tent celebration outside on the Abbey grounds in honor of the anniversary of the dedication of the Abbey Church. This event is one of the gatherings held this year to celebrate the Abbey’s 100th anniversary of receiving abbey status (1925-2025).

Saturday, September 27; 9:15-10:30 a.m. | St. Norbert Abbey Cemetery

Centennial Cemetery Tour

After the 8:30 a.m. Mass, join us outside St. Norbert Abbey Church as we visit St. Norbert Abbey Cemetery for our Centennial Cemetery Tour, which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Abbey receiving “abbey status” (1925-2025).

Saturday, October 18; 7 p.m. | St. Norbert Abbey

100 Lights: Candlelight Eucharistic Procession

A Solemn Exposition begins in St. Norbert Abbey Church at 7 p.m. and continues with a Procession around the Abbey. Afterward, a reception will be held at 8 p.m. in the Norbertine Center for Spirituality. This gathering coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Abbey receiving “abbey status” (1925-2025).

Virtual Centering Prayer Community

Centering prayer is a way of deepening our relationship with God through silent prayer. If you are interested in joining a virtual centering prayer community, please contact Kathie Tilot at or call 920-337-4340.