Mass Intentions

St. Norbert Abbey welcomes Mass Intentions. As a religious community and not a parish, the Mass intention is not published or announced, it is honored by a Mass concelebrant personally.
Fr. Michael Weber
Attn: Mass Intentions
St. Norbert Abbey
1016 N. Broadway
De Pere, WI 54115
For Mass Intentions:
* Please fill out the form link on this page and send a suggested $20 donation, or
* Please print out the pdf form on this page and send a suggested $20 donation, or
* Please send a suggested $20 donation with the information below. Note: No online payment option is available.
Please send this information with your Mass Intention:
* Person requesting the Mass Intention
* Your address (street address, city, state and zip code)
* Phone Number with area code (in case questions arise)
* Email address
* Who is the Mass Intention for?
a. Deceased male
b. Deceased female
c. Multiple deceased
d. Health issues
e. Other issues (please specify)
* Do you want this Mass Intention:
a. Added to our General Mass Intentions (no donation is necessary if this is for a general intention, this intention will be listed with others).
b. As a Private Mass Intention (a $20 donation is requested per Mass). If you wish a card to be sent, acknowledging the Mass Intention, please provide the name and address of the person you want this card sent to.
Thank you for supporting the Norbertine Community of St. Norbert Abbey.