A Visit From Our Sisters

Recently Sr. Adriana Gacikova, S. Praem. and Sr. Therese Falcon, S. Praem. from the Congregation of Norbertine Sisters in California visited the abbey. They were in town as part of the 900th Anniversary of the founding of the Norbertine Order. The sisters gave a presentation at St. Norbert College to students, faculty, and the community about the founding of their order and way of life in California.

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Saint Norbert Abbey Welcomes Refugees

As the situation overseas in Afghanistan continues, refugee aid groups are struggling to find housing for the thousands of evacuated refugees. This is also being done during one of the most challenging and expensive housing markets we have seen in years. Often there is a need for temporary housing until a more permanent solution can be secured. St. Norbert Abbey has opened its doors and is housing refugees during this transitional period.

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Sisters group photo with Crucifix

Norbertine Women in the U.S.

Norbertine convents are branches on the family tree of the Norbertine Order that live according to the inspiration of St. Norbert (1080-1134) and the Rule of St. Augustine. Until 1997, Norbertine sisters and nuns (also known as canonesses) only had convents in Europe. Fortunately, since founding two houses in California, American female Norbertine communities continue to grow in numbers, faith, and spirit.

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