Retreats & Events

Retreat Guest Rooms
Experience the peace and prayerful environment at St. Norbert Abbey by participating in a private/individual or group retreat in our newly refurbished retreat guest rooms.
The Norbertine Center for Spirituality includes:
* 30 retreat guest rooms available for both overnight or day retreatants
* All guest rooms include private bathrooms, air conditioning, and linens
* Rooms include options for single- and double-occupancy, and ADA-accessibility ($75 single room per night / $95 double room per night)
* Homemade meals from the Abbey Dining Room available at an additional cost ($13 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, $17 for dinner)
To schedule your retreat, please email
Group Retreats and Events
The Norbertine Center for Spirituality accommodates nonprofit organizations for retreats and events in our conference rooms, meeting room spaces, and retreat guest rooms. Whether you are planning a day event or a weekend retreat, contact our office about bringing your group to St. Norbert Abbey.
For scheduling details, please email
For our price list for guest rooms, meeting and conference rooms, and food options, please click here.
For Norbertine Center for Spirituality floor plans, please click here.
To see the Abbey and NCS location on Google Maps, please click here. The NCS main entrance is accessible via Webster Avenue on the east side.
Design your own retreat. Please click here to see sample options.

Spiritual Programs and Organized Retreats
St. Norbert Abbey provides a wide variety of spiritually-enriching programs throughout the year, including presentations, individual directed retreats, and hosted group retreats.
For registration details and a complete listing of upcoming events and opportunities to learn, pray, and reflect with us, please click here.