By Frater Johnathan Turba, O. Praem.
In my discernment to enter a religious community, I remember knowing that this was the right community for me when I saw three Norbertine priests concelebrating Mass together. They concelebrated throughout the liturgy with such reverence, and they interacted in a way that showed a deep love and respect for one another as well. This combination of reverence, love, and respect resonated with me deeply! Their example of living out their vocation through the liturgy, in community, and in their ministry inspired me to join the Norbertines.
Being a Norbertine has transformed my heart, helping me realize the deep need that is right here in our communities.
—Frater Johnathan Turba, O. Praem.

I’ve had the opportunity to learn and serve with my Norbertine brothers at many of our apostolates, some of which are schools and parishes throughout the greater Green Bay area. The people of God in this area are diverse. Being a Norbertine has transformed my heart, helping me realize the deep need that is right here in our communities. Each day of ministry and studies as a Norbertine is a blessing. It’s a call to daily conversion as I encounter Christ in my neighbor, in and with my Norbertine brothers.