Fr. David Komatz, O. Praem. (left)
By Fr. David Komatz, O. Praem.
Since I grew up in Florida, I am one of a few Norbertines who was first drawn to the community because of published vocation material. Most of our men have come to the community through the example of Norbertines they have met or who have taught them. While at Florida State University one of the religious sisters from my high school sent me a brochure from St. Norbert Abbey. I immediately was drawn to the sense of humor evident within the Norbertine vocation materials.
Today I look back with great joy as I think of all the laughter I have shared and continue to share with my Norbertine confreres. The greatest blessings I have received as a Norbertine are:
- When I briefly visited the community before I even applied, I was most impressed with the fraters (seminarians) and knew I wanted to join them. Since then I have made many deep and lasting friendships, and also admire and enjoy the variety of men who comprise our community.
- The wonderful opportunities for study at many fine institutions and the variety of ministries in which I have been engaged—far beyond what I might have imagined as a high school or college student.