Left to right: Fr. Jeremy Tobin, O. Praem., Fr. Norbert N’Zilamba, O. Praem., Abbot Emeritus E. Thomas De Wane, O. Praem., Fr. Sebastian Schalk, O. Praem.
By Fr. Norbert N’Zilamba, O. Praem.

St. Norbert Abbey is the very first abbey I visited in my life. I immediately felt at home. The fact that people from different backgrounds and walks of life live together because of their faith under the rule of St. Augustine is very appealing to me.
My Norbertine journey is one of the greatest blessings in my life because of the Eucharist, the brotherhood, and the apostolic mandate of our spirituality.
Our Norbertine canonries are mandated to pray together and also minister to God’s people in various ways under the leadership of an abbot. St. Norbert Abbey is a good example of that spirituality.